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How does a siren's song sound?

Writer's picture: Beith TarotBeith Tarot

Odysseus and the Sirens - John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) - PD-art-100

Imagine you are in an abandoned cathedral and there is a female voice singing in the distance, listen to the echo bouncing off the walls and in your ears, feel the shivers go up your spine as the voice moves around you.

It is a very sweet and very high-pitched voice, but it is not that of a girl, it is that of a woman who has dedicated her whole life to singing.

If you keep walking down the aisle of the cathedral to the point where the voice comes from you realize that there is nothing, it has fallen silent, then you hear a laugh and then it fades away completely.

Then you wake up and you know you were on the edge of the abyss.

That was my experience, I added the figure of the cathedral as literature, but everything else is as it happened.


  • What happened that night?

  • Entity types.

  • How did I know it was a siren?

  • What actions did I take about it?

  • How did a siren get into my room?

  • Conclusions.


It was the night of 02/02/22, a magical day apparently, a day where a quantum portal opens and so on... You will know the rest of the story.

That day I felt bad, strange, uncomfortable; there was no way I could calm my mind, and for some strange reason I watched "Annabelle comes home", I know, it was masochistic of me.

That night I couldn't sleep well, I had a feeling of fear and panic that wouldn't leave my body, and it wasn't just because of the movie (but it increased my fear), in fact, I had to sleep with the rice light on, but that didn't stop my strange and creepy companion.

I went to sleep and in the middle of my reverie, I had the experience I told you about at the beginning.

I had never heard such a voice, never heard such a song in my ear, and the sound of her laughter when I woke up was the most chilling sensation I have ever experienced in my entire life.

As a medium, I am used to hearing voices and sensing foreign energies around me; however, there are still things I am getting used to and learning from.


There're not only ghosts, that's for sure, and no one can tell you otherwise.

Whether we like it or not, whether we believe it or not, there are beings and entities that we cannot see with the naked eye.

The fact that some people claim that if they don't believe in it nothing will happen to them is... a bit silly, really.

It's like thinking that you don't believe that a thief could rob you on the street at midnight because you don't believe in their existence... if you're in their way, it will happen.

So, entities. I'll mention a few of them:

  • Spirits of family ancestors.

  • Guide spirits.

  • Higher spirits.

  • Ghosts or souls in pain.

  • Residual energies.

  • Poltergeist.

  • All the range of beings belonging to the kingdoms of nature (fairies, gnomes, fauns, salamanders, and others).

  • Gods.

  • Demons.

  • Angels.

  • And the list goes on. (I will discuss each of these in more detail in future blogs).

This is merely for the purpose of opening your mind in relation to these entities, they are real, and I to some extent doubted the existence of some of them.

In truth, it is very easy to dismiss the existence of something when you are not in contact with it.


I asked my ancestors and the tarot, the inverted Ace of Cups appeared, I asked aloud about the situation that afflicted me and asked for confirmation, I got the Queen of Cups.

That was enough for me.

And you want to know something even more interesting? I wasn't the only one who heard it, my mother did too, at exactly the same time as I did, and she heard it sung again in my room days after February 2.


It was a very long, complex, and exhausting process that never seemed to end.

Every day I cleaned with my usual tools: eucalyptus, incense, and others; but the entity did not leave, it only appeased its power for a few hours and at nightfall, it resurfaced again.

Sleeping was frightening, I had that feeling of being stared at with a smile. Just remembering it gives me goosebumps.

If you have banished entities you will understand that feeling of discomfort when cleaning and "knowing" that the entity is still there.

But it was all in vain, it wouldn't go away.

I came to investigate the subject of mermaids in depth. I discovered interesting things about them, such as that they were originally winged women, not half-fish, as they were described in Greek mythology, as the companions of Persephone who were condemned by Demeter for having allowed her daughter to be abducted by Hades.

The abduction of Persephone - CHARLES-ANTOINE COYPEL

But it didn't make much sense to me, beyond my personal work with Hades, I didn't understand the reason for these entities.


Those days I asked myself the same question, considering that I live in the middle of the city of Caracas.

Five days later (and almost losing my patience), the entity gained more strength, that Saturday day I was doing my Reels recordings for Instagram and in my tarot always fell by accident the Queen of Cups and the Ace of Cups inverted... I knew it was there, still.

I verbally banished her from my room, but it turns out she got attached to my puppy.

My puppy is 11 years old and started getting picked on by the entity, literally, he was being pushed, pinched, and chased by her; my mother saw it, he was walking with his tail tucked away, whimpering and avoiding the void.

I came out of my room to see what was going on and when I approached my puppy he looked me in the eyes and then looked above my head.

Then I saw him, psychically, I saw the creature behind me, my heart exploded.

I went back to my room and asked my ancestors for help, I didn't know what to do anymore.

No more than 5 minutes passed when I remembered that there was a video I had a pending review on a YouTube video from The Witch of Wanderlust (amazing witch and YouTuber) about banishing entities.

I started watching the video and she commented that she had helped Annabel (another witch and amazing content creator) get rid of an entity that was affiliated with an antique piece of furniture she had purchased.

And I felt it all clicked.

I remembered that the previous Tuesday my father had brought some things from his office, which had been practically abandoned for the last two years of the pandemic, he brought 3 bags full of stuff and I knew that was where the problem was.

I took some palo santo incense and using a Kali mantra (which I will leave down here), I cleaned each item, one by one, even the sheets of paper and pencils, while keeping in mind the intention to banish the entity.

And that night I could sleep in peace, I had successfully banished it.


This experience changed me completely and made me believe more strongly in everything that surrounds us, in my own abilities and power, and that there are higher beings who do indeed listen to us, help us and guide us.

A transformation took place within me and I felt more connected to my ancestors and guides than I had ever been in my entire life.

I completely internalized the fact that you will only receive help if you ask for it, why? Because we have free will, even to guide our lives down the worst path.

You have the power within you to accomplish your goals and there are no lower entities that can do you wrong.

If you don't have experience with entities, you can ask for help from a professional, but don't let them take advantage of you and your fear, if you think they are doing something too elaborate ask yourself how you feel in your body about it. In future blogs, I will touch on how to identify real professional help from scammers.

Your body will always tell you the truth, believe in your body, your reactions, and your intuition.

Remember to leave me your comments in the section below.


You own your life and your future.

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